The news is not good:
- According to Bob Woodward, Henry Kissinger is a frequent (and secret) visitor and advisor to George Bush. This is horrible, horrible news, worse than even the knee-jerk Bush-haters could possibly imagine. It brings to mind what I consider to be Dubya's most breathtaking act of hubris: his attempt to get Kissinger appointed chairman of the 9/11 Commission. Thank God that one got shouted down. Check out Christopher Hitchens's The Trial of Henry Kissinger if you're ready for your blood to boil.
- American diplomats are working in secret with their Canadian and Mexican counterparts to bring about a North American superstate. Not that there's anything wrong with that in theory, but it's all being done out of earshot of Congress, and any such treaty would trump the U.S. Constitution. Now you know why neither party is interested in securing the Mexican border-we'll all be citizens of the same country eventually, so why go to the effort?
- The House recently passed a bill that allows schools to conduct warrantless strip searches and gives school employees immunity from prosecution. The House took the cowardly step of bypassing committee debate and holding a voice vote, meaning that votes were not recorded, and members can't be held accountable for their vote. The bill "does not address whether body cavity searches are included, whether training will be provided to staffers performing them, whether background checks on staffers would be necessary, whether students who have been sexually abused in the past would be subject or whether parental notification would be required. Without those specifics, the judgment of local school administrators will be the litmus test." That rumbling sound you hear is the stampede of pedophiles rushing to get their teaching certificate.