The Second Side

I could put something really witty here if I wanted.

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When you stop believing in coincidence, paranoia is only a heartbeat away.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Undiscovered Genius

Here's a site where you can make your own comic strip. See my piece of crap here.


Blogger T - Another Geek Girl said...

That was incredible!
Filth and Flarn and Flarn and Filth. Cosby fan?

Nimbus was my favorite part though.

I want to encourage you to continue in your creative adventures and yet-- not to give up your day job. Unless you win a very large Lottery. Then you can hire me as your creative assistant.

11:55 PM  
Blogger Jimmy said...

Yes, I'll not put all my eggs in this basket, ha.

And big bonus points for getting the Cosby reference. Also glad you liked Nimbus . . . good to know.

12:06 AM  
Blogger T - Another Geek Girl said...

There is something extremely disconcerting about that Nimbus comment next to your avatar. Good thing I'm still heavily medicated.

12:22 AM  

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