Find Out Where the Nukes Will Hit
If you're wondering where we'll get hit in the event of a nuclear attack, and where the prevailing winds will carry the fallout, just scroll down a little bit and click on your home state to see where the potential targets of a nuclear attack will be. It also gives tips on how to survive.
According to this, my home state of Nebraska will be a major fallout area. Nice.
Considering that Maine is considered the "tailpipe of the U.S.", I just don't want to know.
If Maine is the tailpipe, what does that make Florida??
Er... the drain?
Can this be multiple choice?
I guess I'm all set by the looks of this. I'm next to a targeted army depot. Instant incineration! I suppose that's preferable to a slow death due to radiation sickness in a nuclear winter.
Phew. I feel relieved. :)
I agree. I'd just as soon be vaporized. Although being a warlord of the nuclear wasteland does have a strange appeal.
Nebraska has always been a major target. Where did the cowarldy Prez hide?.......
According to the news he was in NE.
Thanks to the media for keeping it a secret. Jesus. Like they don't have a T.V.
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